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The Ultimate Challenge: Getting Customers Online

The Art of Making Money Online
Important concepts explained…

Everyday thousands of internet entrepreneurs are struggling because they are losing money and lacking customers. And yet you would never know that by looking at all the seemingly successful entrepreneurs on social networks trying to sell you success and secretly hiding the fact that their businesses aren’t making any money online. Truth be told, most of your fellow social networking entrepreneurs have businesses that are sinking as we speak, but they are staying afloat mainly because they believe the ‘next big internet marketing trend’ will give them the customers they’ve been working so hard to get. But its not about the trends…

Social Networking, Branding, Blogging, eBooks… internet entrepreneurs often ask me 101 questions about all these things and more, but at the end of the day what they really want to know is how to get a customer. (At the end of the day you can market until your blue in the fact and it means nothing if you can bring in customers). Whether you are trying to social network your way to profit or build a strong brand, you want a steady stream of customers to buy what you are selling, so that you can make money. Right? Isn’t that what you want?

I have said this before, but I will say it again now. I truly believe that the average internet entrepreneur’s fixation on getting customers is exactly why he/she finds it hard to get them. When I actually wanted to make money online, the first thing I had to do was stop thinking about the money. As my hubby would say, ‘the money will come in due time.’ Both the challenge and the truth, is that I had to focus less on my desire for money and more on what my customers wanted to get and then …. I got customers!

What I’m trying to say is that I started to do the things you are supposed to be doing (before the social networking, branding, blogging, etc.). Before you do all that STUFF, you are supposed to doing Market Research (a fancy way of saying you need to stalk your customers). You need to know how, what, when, where and why they buy. Nobodies going to buy from you just because you want to get customers, so get out of that line of thinking fast before you have to sell your business and go back to a 9-to-5.

First and foremost, if you don’t know who your ideal customer is, you’ve got a lot of work to do. Secondly, if you don’t know how to ‘woo them’, then you have got to learn. Internet Marketing might be a gift that some have, but most entrepreneurs suck at this stuff, which means it’s ok to admit that you’ve got some learning to do. Truth be told, great products are created everyday and 80% of them are collecting dust on a shelf because their creators had no clue about marketing and product promotion. Then of course you’ve got the 20% that actually sells, and 75% of that is honestly crap and you’re wondering how the hell did that sell and why the hell did I buy it!

The products that sell everyday sell (whether they are bad or good), sell because the people who promote them know exactly what their customers want and they play up to those desires. Who cares if you want customers! The secret to getting customers and making money online is getting customers to want you. Have you figured out how to do that yet? The faster you learn, the easier this all becomes.

Related Article: 3 Little Words that Can Change the Way You Make Money Online

Internet Entrepreneur and Web Business Expert LaShanda Henry is devoted to teaching women entrepreneurs how to start and build successful businesses online. To learn more about attracting customers, take LaShanda’s 7 Day eCourse: How to Find Customers Online,

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