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Stop Playing! Create a System and Find Your Focus Like This…

The video above is of Richelle Shaw at the SistaSense Power Circle Conference (replays here), encouraging one of our entrepreneurial-minded attendees to stop playing, step into her greatness and start implementing.

This particular young women was struggling because she had about 3 business ventures and wasn’t clear how to promote them all without confusing people and/or taking on the burden of building 3 different businesses at the same time. She essentially was looking for ways to either find a focus or merge some of the brands into something that was easier to sell.

Too often we get caught up in titles, telling everybody about all the great businesses we have when none (or barely one of them) is actually a functioning business vs an idea that has not been launched. You want to avoid getting stuck in the idea of it all or frustrated because you can’t figure out how to actually get started.

Today let me ask you one simple question. Have you ever said any of the following phrases?

  • I know I need to focus, but I can’t do just one thing.
  • I have like 5 different businesses, I can’t pick one.
  • People know me for different things.
  • How do I promote all that I do without confusing people?
  • How do I pick a focus with out neglecting everything else that I love to and/or want to do?

Women entrepreneurs who are starting up say this to me all the time. At the conference and just recently during one of my one-on-one consultations calls this week, better known as my SistaSense Clarity Sessions (you can schedule one here).

Regardless of whether you or not you have several great business ideas in the works, here are TWO THINGS YOU MUST KNOW to be true:

  • Confused Buyers Don’t Buy
  • Confused Sellers Don’t Know what to Sell

If you are confused, imagine how your customers are feeling. More importantly, if you are confused and haven’t even started selling yet, how long do you plan on toting all of these wonderful sounding titles without actually getting one profitable business off the ground?

In my serious Django Voice, today I want you to clearly understand that businesses with titles and cards, but no profit are not real businesses. They are the great ideas you fill your notebooks with and at worst they are expensive hobbies you sink money into, but they aren’t real businesses until you start doing the work to make them real.

As Richelle said in the video, the first step is to stop playing and start implementing, but there is a little more to it than that. I believe you also have to…

  • Get crystal clear on the one thing within all your GREAT IDEAS that you should push first
  • Get clear on how you can umbrella other ideas under that one thing
  • Mirror Effective Business Development, Management and Marketing Systems from experienced professionals until you can figure out how to start creating your own systems

With that thought in mind, let me share three things that can help you get focused and excited about working systems that can actually work for you.

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