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So This Happened: The Power Of Using Social Media to Communicate with Customers

Most entrepreneurs understand that social media marketing can be a powerful tool when used correctly, unfortunately few really know how it works.

I’d like to share a few things that happened to me today so you can get a taste of Social Media in action because its truly a powerful way to communicate with your clients and customers.

This morning I woke up to several pleasant surprises…

Inside Power Circle Facebook group I posted this request “Share Your BEST business advice in 4 Words or less” and Marcyline wrote “Work with LaShanda Henry.”

Wow. Was all that I could say. I am truly humbled and forever grateful that so many web women entrepreneurs, black women entrepreneurs, even my fellow brothers in business follow me, engage with me and value the business lessons that I strive to share here on SistaSense.

During our last clarity call Marcyline actually told me that one killer technique I shared with her the week before got her 100+ comments on LinkedIn with questions, new subscribers and the kind of buzz that’s helping to grow her 4 REAL Social Workers community as we speak.

Scrolling further down the Facebook page, I stopped at a message I shared last night, “Work Hard. Dream Big. Share One thing you are working on right now.

Quanisha posted “Hey LaShanda Henry I used the first day of the Browsers to Buyers training to create this video tonight.

Whaaat! Ladies are seriously fired up and focused right now. Quanisha, one of my Fire Starter Circle mastermind members, just got hundreds of ladies to join her Black Women Rise movement and I couldn’t be prouder.

Scrolling down further still underneath my new 30 min video ‘The First Two Steps to Convert Browsers to Buyers‘ Angeline wrote “Rushing home to get on the Browsers to Buyers call…”

To here that ladies are rushing home to get on a call with me, now you KNOW, my big old head doesn’t need to get any bigger (lol) – but these are the kind of amazing connections you can create with clients and customers by going beyond what you do and engaging through social media.

To my surprise while on the call Taquila joined that Facebook conversation as well and ‘YES!!! LaShanda Henry I love that title and you get what I’m trying to do. So glad I purchased this course. Can’t wait until the recording’. On the call I was helping her figure out how to title her new Relationship Program to better speak to the women in her circle.

That next morning TC inboxed me and I was SERIOUSLY cheesing ear to ear when she said ‘I went to bed sleeping and dreaming about all of what you said on the call. I’m listening to the replay of last night’s call and I heard something you said: what is the end result after she [her ideal client] goes through this process/training with me?”

Now you KNOW I got a kick out of surprising you with a Boot Camp this week, but these unexpected surprises right here are hands down the BEST gifts a girl could ever get.

The best part of what I do comes from the happiness and satisfaction that I can bring to the lives of others.

I want to return the favor. Not only do I want to make sure you finally get inside this Boot Camp, listen to the replays and join us live for the final two calls… I also want to GIFT you my Browsers to Buyers 5 CD Starter Kit with 15+ hours of sweet SistaSense audio and video trainings on sales, emails, websites, social media and everything in between.

This gift is just for you, especially if you missed getting HALF OFF on the Boot Camp BUT still want to get in on all this goodness.

What do you think? Are you ready to finally explore my Browsers to Buyers Boot Camp? Tonight’s call is all about customer conversion via and LaShanda I hope you can make it.

Surprise the world with your gifts and the world just might surprise you back!