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Grow Your Web Business Tip #6: Create and Review Your Profit Goals

Money Markers, Magic Numbers, and your profit potential… I am very big on setting clear goals so that you can be strategic, intentional and focused when promoting your business online. Today I want to talk to you about the value of creating and reviewing your profit goals.

First let me start off by sharing this… In 8 years of experience mentoring women entrepreneurs online I’ve learned how easy it is to become frustrated and fuzzy when you are trying to build your business online. If you can relate, then I want to help you turn frustration into fire and fuzzy into focus by sharing 7 powerful, practical steps that you can take to grow your web business without tearing your hair out!

Today is day 6 inside my 7 Ways to Grow Your Business Online Challenge. And my challenge for you today, as mentioned above, is to create and review your profit goals for your online business.

Today’s challenge is designed to help you get clear about how much money is currently coming into your business and how you would like to trip, double, quadruple those numbers in the future.

Listen to today’s Fire and Focus audio session for more:
Listen to Fire and Focus Session

As a bonus watch my scope replay video below on 3 Smart Ways to generate every day sales:
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Fill out the sign up form above to watch the bonus video now…. This is one of 30+ videos you can watch, including my “Triple Your Revenue” trainings which you can get access to inside my complete 28 Day Grow Your Business Fire and Focus Challenge.

This free 7 Day Grow Your Business Challenge is actually a small preview of my Grow Your Business 28 Day Challenge which includes even more easy to follow action steps that can help you get clearer about the things you need to do to fire start your web vision and take your next big step online.

If you like this series you will definitely enjoy the complete 28 Day Challenge which includes daily 15-20 min downloadable audio sessions, daily one page pdf resource guides, plus exclusive access to my first 28 Days share Fire and Focus Smart Business Tips on Periscope.

7 Ways to Grow Your Business Online Challenge:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5