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Choose Control – Unblock Your Blessings Challenge – Step #1

Today I share with you the first step in my 12 Step (90 Day) Unblock Your Blessings Challenge.

For each part of this challenge I share an important choice for you to make. Today that choice is as follows: choose to be in control vs be controlled.

Via the video audio session shared here I talk more about what this choice means, I chat with you about my own personal experiences and lessons learned and then ultimately provide you with this week’s challenge to getting one step closer to unblocking your blessings on the path to building your best

I must admit that developing this challenge was a dream actualized for me, but as I get ready to launch and share it with you I am scared. In the midst of sharing my lessons learned I am also sharing personal, private and in some cases painful experiences that I’ve gone through… I chat about stuff I don’t really want folks to know and up until this point I haven’t really discussed beyond closed circles, but I fight these fears because I know that I want to share my message with you. I know that it’s almost impossible to follow the challenge or even really take my words to heart without understanding the experiences behind them and aligning my experiences with your own.

So… here goes nothing. Unblock Your Blessings Step #1:
Chose to Be in Control Vs Be Controlled

I hope you not only enjoy this first part of the challenge, but participate, take my suggestions to heart and get started on your Be Blessed vision board.

To sign up for the Unblock Your Blessings Free 90 Day Challenge and get each step once a week go to the official website

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