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Are you stuck with a broke business? Try this …

Investing in a business that isn’t bringing you any money is frustrating and exhausting. The struggle can sometimes force you to close up shop, but when you are desperately trying to hold on, its easy to fall back into using the same tired marketing tactics or bad habits.

I firmly believe that if you want something different to happen, you have to do something different. Today I want you to answer the following question:

[box style=”3″]What do you really think is wrong with your business?

When I ask coaching clients this question the first response is often, “I am not making any sales.”

That’s obviously the BIG issue, but what’s the real problem? Is it your marketing? Is it your product? If you don’t quite know the answer, that’s OK.

When your plumbing is bad, you call a plumber right? So apply that same concept to your business. If things aren’t going as well as you would like, stop trying to patch it up on your own.

As a matter of fact, here are a few tools that I have for you …


  1. How to Make Money Online – eBook Series
  2. SistaSense Marketing Formula
  3. SistaSense One-on-One Clarity Sessions

From time to time I like to do giveaways as part of my 10 percent.

If you’d like to win a FREE COPY of the ‘How to Make Money Online’ eBook series, which includes tips for Network Marketers and Coaches OR if you would like a chance to win my SistaSense Marketing Formula (starter kit):

Leave a comment on this blog post, telling me your biggest frustration right now. I’ll contact you by email, to let you know if you’ve won, so don’t forget to include your email address.

20 thoughts on “Are you stuck with a broke business? Try this …

  1. yvonnecarson says:

    Hi, LaShanda. Your question “What is wrong with your business? is a question that I’ve asked myself just yesterday. Being the spiritual woman that I am, I prayed and asked God “What am I doing wrong?” “Where am I missing it?” This is the impression that I received:

    There is no problem with my business or with my product! The issue is ME!! What I mean by that is this: You have to grow yourself before you can grow your business!! I am limiting myself because there are places in myself where I have placed limits, lack knowledge and understanding. My business can only grow to the extent that I grow.

    If I have doubts and fears and do not fully believe in what I am doing, others can sense that too! Yes, even on the Internet. If you are afraid tell me about your products, then you will not have any sales, and you will NOT make any money.

    It takes being brutally honest with oneself and ask so vital questions: “What type of person do I need to become in order to achieve my goals? “What am I doing that I need to stop doing? What am not doing that I need to do? These were questions, seriously, that came up in my mind. I am sure that I am not the only one. Hope this helps someone else!

    Yvonne Carson

  2. IOS says:

    Hi Lashanda,

    I think my biggest issue right now is marketing. Which is not good considering I have a degree in E-Business Marketing – and I’ve helped others get on the right track. BUT It’s so much “what to do” and “what not to do” … it gets to be a bit much.

    With that being said – I’d like the one for marketers. (Once I get it back to where it should be – I’ll work on the coaching lol)

    Thank U … Peace and Blessings


  3. omnipotent001 says:

    Hi I just graduated from college and I’m returning back to my online business, but my biggest frustration right now is marketing my business services and products to the right audience an using social networking sites and turning my networks into interested potential customers….. I’m just very LOST right now, please…… Help! Anyone..

  4. Alease says:

    What is wrong with my business? Well I have alot of interest, and I was wondering how do I use online to sell more art or conduct online workshops. Just really at a lost.

    And can I make money actually placing ads on my blog. In the past few weeks I have increase traffic to my blog by reposting my link to google but now what?


  5. mikidi3 says:

    Hey LaShanda, I have two frustrations that share equal ground. My entire marketing plan needs to be revamped. what I do isn’t working and I don’t think it ever has. I have a great product I want to share…but how do I market it?

    My other issue, which is totally my fault, is that I started my business with my own money…no loans, grants, or anything. So now when there is a slump in business, advertising–and some times supplies, suffer. I need a better way and have been praying for such.

    I believe if I throw out my fleece and take the Lord at his word, he will answer. But the wait is crucial at times.

  6. Mizl says:

    What’s wrong with my business, my ignorance on how to utilize the internet. I am well over fifty and I think I have over complicate how to make things work online, and don’t really know where to begin. Funds for education are currently an issue so what???

    L. Mitchell

  7. bwilliams334 says:

    I have finally narrowed down my online business to one service and I have even narrowed down who I want to market to. My problem at this point is getting my name out there in a way that people take me seriously.

  8. Nish says:

    Hi LaShanda,

    My biggest frustration is finding the courage to start where I am and not where I want to be. I want everything to be so perfect that it prevents me from getting out there. Another frustration is taking the time to step back and realize that it doesn’t have to be elaborate…it just needs to be done and leveraging all of the tools that are available is sometimes overwhelming.

    Thanks for this topic. Coming to terms with our frustrations is a first step to finding ways to get past them.

    I am interested in the marketers book. Not quite ready for coaching at this time. Thanks!


  9. Bizlady says:

    I believe the challenges we face in business require us to look at ourselves. We need to network with those who have been successful at it, and be willing to reach out more to potential customers.

  10. Coolata says:

    My one of my problems with my business is how to find my target group. Capturing this audience is my main obstacle. However, a big problem is my fear of failing. My desire is consult and coach but letting go of this fear will continue to be my road block.

    I would like the ebook for coaching online.

  11. Inspired Moxie says:

    Greetings LaShanda,

    What is wrong with my business is how hard it has been for me to make money. I’ve done all kinds of business. The internet is my last attempt.

    I am overwhelmed as well. There is so much to know, so much not to do, HELP!

    I appreciate your work, be continually encouraged!

    Great success to you.

  12. VesselforHisDivinePurpose says:


    I pray that you are well and Thank you for the wonderful topic!

    What was wrong with my business did not have anything to do with anyone or my product but had everything to do with me!

    I led too much with my head rather than my heart and intense conviction. I thought there was a “secret” (formula, tool, etc) but the truth is there is no secret! Success is all based on you showing up consistently not for a week, month, four months, or even six months. Yes, of course there are tools (social networking, social net work marketing, branding, websites, webinars, etc…) but I have found that tools will not help if you are not consistent and do not show up EVERYDAY! Since I have been showing up (out of my HEAD and not aloowing myself no excuses), so have they!

    I would, however, like to learn more on how to become more visible on the net to connect with even more people!

    Every Blessing,


    Every Blessing

  13. ggdreams says:

    My Concerns for my business is that I am marketing my services to unfamiliar territory and I am not quite sure how to attract the numbers that are needed for my business to thrive. I would like to attract more people looking to find an apartment or New Home in the Houston area.

    I am interested in the marketing information that you provide.

    Gayla G.

  14. pam perry says:

    Girl, you are so much in the “flow” it’s scary. As I write my ebook for the Ardyss “Body Magic” team – here you come with one for MLM. How cool. Well, I want the “marketing” book – and I will tell my team to subscribe to your stuff. Matter of fact, I would love to have you on my blogtalk show (Synergy Energy) soon! I just love what you do and being a member. YOU ROCK! Join the Chocolate Pages Network too. I am an affiliate but I need you to be more active with the groups. OK? Pam Perry (

  15. wirequeen says:

    I am driving people to my site but not getting sales. So I need a e-book showing how to close the deal online. I am no longer able to do shows where I made good money selling my jewelery. Not so good on the net.

    I took the training to be a voice specialist now I have to market that talent which is new territory for me. So an e-book on marketing if that’s the one available would be a benefit.

  16. bodysculpter says:

    HI LaShanda, You are truly an inspiration.

    My biggest challenge is doing all the tasks and not forgetting to follow up. Really creating and following a system so that I follow it myself, then duplicate it to sell to others.

    I look forward to reading your books.

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