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Revenue and Routines: 5 Digital Products Every Entrepreneur Should Create and Sell Online

When it comes to creating digital products that sell well, you can truly be as creative as you want to be! Whatever digital products you ultimately decide to make, be sure to review these five essential offers that I personally think every entrepreneur should have. These are five types of bestseller digital products that I have identified over the years and proactively continue to create because they sell like clockwork.

Before you can have bestsellers, you have to sell things. But what things? Some people just magically know what they want to offer while others don’t have a clue. To be honest with you, I fell somewhere in between those two. At some point along my entrepreneurial journey, I discovered the wonderful world of creating digital products. This World Wide Web (WWW) became my new Wild Wild West, providing me with an opportunity to sell information, essentially turning my Content into Cashflow

In my twenty-plus years as an online entrepreneur, I’ve created a lot of content, but that’s not why you are here. You want to hear about the best content that I sold that sold well for me. You want to know about the kind of content that you can sell consistently.

Within my business, every week, if not every month, I drop a few “Good Goods.” These are things that people pay for because they make them feel good, get real good results or both. Simply put, we all want to feel good. We all want to experience the satisfaction of getting really good results. We are all willing to pay for what we want.

Hard work and long hours aside, most of us yearn for solutions that offer Fast Results, Cheap Results, Easy Results, or a combination of all three. This is especially true when our desire is strong. When there is a strong sense of urgency, we are willing to pay even the smallest amount to get started or pay even more for speed and convenience. As customers, our goal is to get what we want. Your goal should be to create irresistible offers that meet these strong wants and desires. Simply put, give your customers what they want.

5 Types of Digital Products and Irresistible Offers

Pretend that I am your ideal customer. I’m about to whisper in your ear and tell you exactly what I want, so as your target customer, I hope that you are listening.

  1. Start Here Offers – Tell me how to start, what to do, and what to get.
  2. Call Me Offers – Talk to me. I need to connect with you.
  3. Bundle Offers – Equip me with everything that I need to accomplish my goals.
  4. Continuity Offers – Keep me happy and coming back for me.
  5. Premium Offers – Help me by doing it for me or doing it with me.

To learn more be sure to download your copy of the Bestseller Blueprint, digital products that sell like clockwork plus review my complete series of profitable digital products. And if you are serious about creating digital products to sell online, check out the new Content to Cashflow: Digital Product Planner.

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