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Fatigue and Frustration to Fire and Focus

I entered last year ready to take on the world. As is the case with every year, God provided me with a very clear sense of purpose, “Inspire other women to feel Fierce, Focused, and Fired Up!” With that vision, I hosted my annual NC Weekend workshop in January and committed myself to leading one FireStarter Circle Mastermind every quarter. It all seemed like it was going great, until February came and I fell into a rut. In between all the new business and buzz I felt drained. For weeks I struggled to get through my daily projects or even get out of bed. There were days that I felt overwhelmed by everything and too tired to do anything. But I worked through it until I got through it. This is my story of fatigue and frustration turned into fire and focus.

I admit, I struggle to stay on top of my diabetes. Eventually I got tired of being tired and pushed myself to get back on track. At the same time I took my fare share of relax and reflection days to both disconnect from the web world and reconnect with those things that I genuinely enjoyed. As a result my web work started to pile up a bit, but it was worth it because I needed that time to figure me out. At some point I found myself writing again, which lead to the creation of my StartHerUp Guide and inclusion in the anthology, “When Women Become Business Owners.” Outside of working on other people’s web businesses, I took the time to really think about my own business – the things that I found frustrating vs those things that filled me with fire and focus.

By April I was ready to spring back into action. I started asking my SistaSense community questions like, “Are you tired of being tired? Do you feel drained; caught between all the things that you want to do, need to do and can’t seem to find the time to do?” Talking to myself out loud, my motivational videos and calls at that time were about learning from these personal frustrations and encouraging others to power through what they were going through.

When I really looked at the source of my fatigue and frustration, it was a combination of my health issues and honestly feeling like all that new web work was taking me away from what I wanted to do. I wanted to teach more, spend less time working strictly on web design projects and triple my revenue. These goals ultimately lead me to make some very bold business moves. By the summer I realized that I needed to shut down a few things to fire up others.

I closed my web design services, launched my VIP Development program and found myself feeling like me again. Getting back into creation mode I discovered even smarter ways to make more doing fewer projects while creating awesome LPPs (low price point products) . By end of summer, early fall I launched my new SistaSense CD Starter Kits, completed 3 masterminds, attended several speaking engagements and wrapped up my projects for my first VIP clients. Sales are now better than ever and I honestly feel like things are just getting fired up.

This is my story and guess what? I am you. I get tired. I get frustrated. I have days when I question why I do what I do and if I want to keep going. Through it all I just keep telling myself the only way I can fail is if I quit. I don’t stop, I can’t stop. For me broke is not an option, but I do take breaks to recharge myself and redefine my vision. I encourage you to do the same. Life is challenging for all of us. Regardless of who you are, where you are and what’s going on, continue to power through to your best you. It’s all about that fire and focus …. for real!

Featured in the Fire and Focus Issue of SistaSense Magazine (review, download or order print issue here).