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Throwback Thursday: My Business is a Family Business

SistaSense Events - A Family Affair

One of the BEST parts of being a work at home mom is that my business is a family business. This week’s throwback Thursday photos highlights some of my SistaSense Weekend Workshops over the years, my boys (hubby and son) are always with me providing support, extra hands and lots of love.

Beyond the freedom and mobility that entrepreneurship brings, I value the life lessons that I am able to both share and pass on to my son. As a community we need to encourage our children to be not only workers, but business owners. I hope that is something I am able to instill in him. Moreover, I want him to see and understand healthy relationships, positive black parents and what it means to have an amazing supportive black male figure his father in his life, so that he can grow up and be all these things and more when he’s an adult.

I love what I do. I love working with other women entrepreneurs. And I feel blessed knowing I can enjoy this crazy ride called entrepreneurship with my boys!

Hopefully you feel the same way too. This coming January marks my 5th year hosting weekend workshops at the Aloft Hotel in Chapel Hill NC – this next one is titled Triple X Success Secrets – full details here if you’d like to join us. This is an intimate implementation web business workshop for 10-15 ladies in my circle and there are still a few spots left if you’d like to boost your new year Fire and Focus SistaSense style.