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Smart Moves: 3 Best Business Decisions of 2014


When you are busy it’s hard to find time to step away from your daily to do list and take a look at the big picture, but this is important. After I got over the shock of how quickly this year is going by, I decided to sit down and really reflect on the decisions I’ve made thus far. While a few things haven’t quite turned out as I would have hoped, I can share 3 of the best business decisions I’ve made thus far in the hopes that my journey can help you stick to yours.

“Sticking” is actually the first thing that came to mind when I thought about great decisions made. Over the past three years I’ve tried my hand at hosting live events and they have all been true labors of love. Everyone loves them of course, but after practically every workshop or conference I resist doing another one because quite honestly they are the most challenging projects I’ve taken on to date. Event planning is not one of my strengths, but when it came time to promote the 2014 Power Circle I eventually stopped talking myself out of it and started making it happen. In the end the conference went really well and got great reviews, even with all its challenges. Looking back on the events I’ve hosted thus far has helped me realize one simple truth: sometimes we give up too quickly on our visions when things don’t go as easily as expected. While I don’t foresee myself hosting events every month, I do feel really good about sticking with my vision for the Power Circle annual Conference. And I value how these experiences help me make my events better with each New Year. So on those days when you feel like throwing in the towel, I want you to remember that it can’t get better if you don’t stick with it.

On the web, folks say that content is king, but I personally believe that community is the key to building your business. If you are the only person actively telling people about what you do then that is a big problem. Even though I have been able to successfully build a large community online, I’ve honestly been craving more “real-world”, “offline” interaction for a long time. As fate would have it, at the end of 2013 I was invited to a local Women’s Power Networking meeting. I found myself in a space filled with other ambitious entrepreneurial women and discovered exactly what I was missing. I went back a few times and officially became a member at the beginning of 2014. Joining the WPN certainly ranks high on my list of great decisions this year. It’s a blessing to work at home online, but nothing beats real human interaction. It’s nice to have that “water cooler” vibe once again; a space for me to laugh, learn and be up-lifted by women. Not to mention the benefits of making local business connections. Through WPN members I landed my first local speaking gig and client leads. Over the past few years I’ve certainly gotten better at traveling to various business and blogging events, but this year it’s been a treat dis-covering the powerful network of connections in my own backyard!

In some circles online I’m well known for my con-tent creation skills. Consistently creating virtual products and services has attributed to my ability to work from home, but it’s not the only thing that helps my business grow. You need to find a balance between product creation and generating steady sales. With this thought in mind, I’ve focused a great deal of my time this year on getting closer to my customers via weekly group calls and monthly one-on-one clarity sessions. With more room for conversation I’ve been able to receive more feedback on the needs and desires of those entrepreneurs I am most passionate about working with. This feedback has in turn lead to profitable workshops, a growing membership community along with increased interest in my web design services. The amount of attention that I’ve placed on my client-base this year has helped me improve my monthly revenue on average by 30%. Through these efforts I’ve been able to expand my reach, help more women in business and generate more sales. With this firsthand experience I can honestly say as you get better at communicating with clients and understanding their needs you will find more clients eager to work with you.

Spending more time talking with clients, joining the Women’s Power Networking group and sticking with my Power Circle events are three of the best business decisions I’ve made this year. In a nutshell, for me it all boils down to staying the course in one sense while at the same time accepting the challenge of trying things that move me away from my comfort zone. As the saying goes, “your next level begins where your comfort level ends.” Think about those smart business decisions you have you made this year and ask yourself what new things you are willing to try in the near future.

Take a moment to reflect on the decisions you’ve made this year. Are you in need of some clarity, guidance or sup-port? Do you need help making your own smart business moves this year? Click here if you would like to schedule a SistaSense Clarity session with me.

This article was featured in SistaSense In Print Magazine. Browse the full issue here.

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