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3 Little Words that Can Change the Way You Make Money Online

If you are ready to make money online, focus on Desperate Buyers Only….

You want to make money online. That much is clear because the title of this article peaked your curiosity enough for you to want to keep reading. Now that I’ve got your attention, I want to share 3 little words that just might change the way you think about Making Money Online. If you want to make serious money online and/or be successful at selling information products like (ebooks, ecourses, coaching, etc), I want you to remember these words ‘Desperate Buyers Only’.

In my many years online, I’ve learned on thing to be true. When trying to make money in any industry, the more you focus on what you want, the less you get what you want (specifically the money). In other words, when you create a product simply because you think it’s great, you are working to please yourself as opposed to a larger customer base. And guess what, you aren’t going to buy your product, other people are, so it’s worth taking the time to tap into a profitable industry rather than simply focusing on the one that you like.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m the first person to tell a newbie entrepreneur to tap into their passion, but you’ve got to be sure that your passion is profitable and the easiest way to know that is to think less about what you want to sell and more about what people want to buy. When I first read the eBook, ‘Desperate Buyers Only’, it was like I turned on a light bulb and saw things that should have been staring me in the face all along.

One time I heard someone ask a great question, ‘what is the key to running a successful restaurant?’ Of course most people say, ‘good food’, ‘good location’, blah blah blah… but those answers are all wrong. The key to a good restaurant is ‘hungry people.’ Whether the food is good or bad, if you always have hungry customers you’re always going to make money and the same thing holds true in whatever internet business you create. If you can tap into a market overflowing with ‘Desperate Buyers Only’, it’s like having people beg to buy from you before you even pitch the sale.

Knowing these three little words changed the way I made money online, because I stopped focusing on selling ‘fun stuff’ and focused my efforts on selling information people really wanted. But of course, knowing the concept isn’t enough. I needed to know how to attract, find, and cater to desperate buyers online, which is what ultimately lead me to purchase the eBook ‘Desperate Buyers Only’ by Alexis Dawes. It took me a few days to actually come to terms with spending $77 on an eBook that is now $97, but trust me when I say it was the best $77 I ever spent. Whether you are trying to sell information products or simply trying to profit from being an internet entrepreneur this eBook can show you new ways to make money online in industries filled with people looking for information to buy.

Having spent years trying to make money online the cheap or half-assed way, I can honestly tell you that doing it the right way the first time around just makes sense. You don’t waste years and time working for peanuts and you get the added bonus of tapping into trends and new markets before everyone else does. So, when your racking your brain trying to figure out why you are getting low traffic or your business get’s little to no sales, remember these three words ‘Desperate Buyers Only.’

3 thoughts on “3 Little Words that Can Change the Way You Make Money Online

  1. lafaith says:

    Greetings and Thank You Sista Sense for this information!
    Yes, it did catch my attention, and I'm sure glad it did!!!


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