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Spaghetti Marketing is Messy Business

Today’s post is actually an excerpt of my eBook: Internet Marketing Power

Whether you know it or not, I’m sure at some point as an internet entrepreneur, you’ve tried Spaghetti marketing, which is basically throwing stuff up against a wall to see what sticks. One day you try optimizing your website. The next day, you try setting up a blog. While most days you’re aimlessly going from social network to social network, trying to find people who just might be interested in buying your product or service.

If you are new to the concept of Spaghetti Marketing, let me be the first one to tell you to avoid it! I can tell you from experience, that it simply doesn’t work and if you have tried it, then you know what I mean. As I recovered Spaghetti Marketer (lol), I can tell you how frustrating it is to tirelessly try every marketing solution you can find and end up with disappointing results.

If there are two things that I believe in, they are perseverance and diversity. Even when your online business isn’t working like you want it to, it’s important to always keep going and to try new things. However, while trying new things, you don’t want to get stuck throwing spaghetti at a wall! It’s so easy to get lost in the land of sending out random emails, tweets, or blogs especially if you don’t understand how this stuff works or you don’t quite know when you actually start to generate an income from all your social marketing efforts.

If there is one thing I don’t want, it’s for you to get lost. And if you are lost, I am hoping I can get you back on track. Most internet entrepreneurs don’t understand how the system of making money online actually works, and for a long time I was one of them. When people are trying to figure out how other people actually make money online, the first guess is that folks earn an income by simply selling ads or posting affiliate links, until you start doing that and realizing its harder than it looks. Then you have the business owners who think the key to selling their products is simply putting up a website, until you realize the website is up but no one is buying. At that point most logical entrepreneurs think the solution is either generating more traffic or redesigning their website, but that still doesn’t completely solve the problem.

After personally going through many of these experiences, I felt frustrated and powerless. Thank God I made it through the slow days and kept working on my business because I finally discovered the Internet Marketing Power Secrets that nobody wanted to tell. If you really want to make money online, you need to do three things …

Continue reading. Download my eBook: Internet Marketing Power

1 thoughts on “Spaghetti Marketing is Messy Business

  1. Cause Related Marketing - JointWinWin says:

    Hi LaShanda,

    That’s a powerful argument you put forth.

    Spagetti marketing is very much twinned with lack of focus and the inability to let go of control.

    We all suffer from it from time to time but entrepreneurs (especially in the bright and shiny online world) suffer more than most.

    Good to see a heartfelt explanation and identification of the problem.

    All the best,

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