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Grow Your Web Business Tip #1: Set Your Money Markers and Cash Flow Goals

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Money, money, money; after the topic of passion – profit is the second thing that I find myself talking about with entrepreneurs all the time. If you are desperately looking for new ways to improve your web profits let’s take a minute and talk about my ‘money markers system’ and how it can help you.

First let me start off by sharing this… In 8 years of experience mentoring women entrepreneurs online I’ve learned how easy it is to become frustrated and fuzzy when you are trying to build your business online. If you can relate, then I want to help you turn frustration into fire and fuzzy into focus by sharing 7 powerful, practical steps that you can take to grow your web business without tearing your hair out!

Today is day 1 inside my 7 Ways to Grow Your Business Online Challenge. And my challenge for you today, as mentioned above, is to set your money markers pronto!

Today’s challenge is designed to help you get clear about how much money you want to make vs need to make. More importantly I want to help get you in the habit of not just thinking about passions and/or perfecting your craft. It is vital that you also crunch the numbers, look at your books, figuring out what products you can realistically sell to bring in your desired revenue and be able to track your progress along the way.

Listen to today’s Fire and Focus audio session for more:
Listen to Fire and Focus Session

I actually created a great scope video training that compliments today’s challenge REALLY well. That video is called “Setting Your Money Markers and Cash flow Goals” in which I take you even deeper into this process so you can really crunching those numbers and getting smart about your revenue and sales goals. You can watch this video below:

Can’t access the video replay below? Click here to log in or click here to join the SistaSense Online Circle. For as little as $7 you can get access to this replay, my Jumpstart Your Business live sessions and more.

This video and 30+ more of my periscope replays are available inside my first 28 Days of Periscope Fire and Focus replays, which you get as a bonus inside my complete 28 Day Grow Your Business Fire and Focus Challenge.

This free 7 Day Grow Your Business Challenge is actually a small preview of my Grow Your Business 28 Day Challenge which includes even more easy to follow action steps that can help you get clearer about the things you need to do to fire start your web vision and take your next big step online.

If you like this series you will definitely enjoy the complete 28 Day Challenge which includes daily 15-20 min downloadable audio sessions, daily one page pdf resource guides, plus exclusive access to my first 28 Days share Fire and Focus Smart Business Tips on Periscope.

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