Today’s dose of Daily Direction is all about How to Show up and Build Visibility Online while learning how to Handle Distractions and Lack of Support. I admit, all the cool apps and web business tools we have today make some aspects of building an online business easier. At the same time this has also made things harder with all this new competition. Sometimes it feels like everyone is an entrepreneur out to get your spot, so how do you stand out? How do you show up and show out in a way that wow’s people? Plus how do you work through feelings of confusion, overwhelm and discouragement when you find yourself listening to people telling you what to do, what not to do and why what you are doing is not going to work? We have some big topics to talk about today, so I hope you enjoy what I have to say. My goal is to provide you with a dose of direction and of course you can also find a few fabulous digital goodies below to help your grow while you conquer and crush your goals:

The Video Marketing Challenge The Audio Challenge Start the Content Creation Challenge Start Teaching Online Now Start Collect With Confidence Program Stop Thinking About What Others Are Thinking Deal With Doubt Your Are A Gift With Gifts to Give


The Daily Direction podcast series is my little dose of Fire and Focus; success secrets for highly-driven entrepreneurs in need of motivation, inspiration, information and of course ... direction.

As a type A, creative, highly driven woman entrepreneur, I always have a thousand things that I have to do, want to do and need to do. In spite of the fact that my mind is always buzzing with new ideas, I am able to remain focused, accomplished and productive because I learned how to calm that internal excitement, sift through all the confusion, avoid overwhelm and remain intentional.

That's a mouthful I know, but it is exactly what you need to grow as a business owner and person. At some point we all need a dose of daily direction to keep us on course. This series creates an opportunity for us to connect and for me to quietly buzz in your ear sometimes magically through the power of divine right timing. I hope this series can serve as a source of support and encouragement to other women entrepreneurs out there, perhaps even you when you are looking for guidance, feeling down, or in need of a kind word to lift you up.